EPJ-WoC has published the P&G 2021 proceeding. The new volume is available here

Author Instructions

Accepted manuscripts will be published in EPJ Web of Conferences under Open Access for unlimited time. All papers will be peer-reviewed. The selection of oral and poster presentations will be based on these reviews.

Guest Editors

María Alejandra Aguirre, Stefan Luding, Luis A. Pugnaloni, Rodrigo Soto

Key dates

Full paper submission Sept. 15, 2020 October 9, 2020 November 30, 2020
Reviewing until February 14, 2021
Final paper submission March 1, 2021
Final decision on paper March 22, 2021
Notification oral/poster April 12, 2021
Early registration (payment to get paper published) May 3, 2021

Ethical guidelines

Web of Conferences is committed to the highest standards of publishing integrity and academic honesty. Editors, reviewers and authors are encouraged to refer to The Committee on Publishing Ethics (COPE) and to follow its Code of conduct and guidelines.
Serious misconduct (for example, data fabrication, falsification or plagiarism) is taken seriously and will be investigated further. If misconduct is proven, sanctions will be applied.
While the primary responsibility for reviewing the material falls to the Guest Editor, Web of Conferences reserves the right to exclude any material from publication should Web of Conferences deem the material (a) is unsuitable for publication based on form or content, or (b) conflicts with author instructions and ethical standards.
Make sure that you read and conform to our Ethical Publication Practices


Before publication, Web of Conferences will randomly review papers from the conference using the powerful text comparison tool: iThenticate. This procedure aims to prevent scholarly and professional plagiarism.

Conference registration required

At least one author of each manuscript has to register to P&G 2021. After acceptance of a manuscript authors will have to pay the registration fee to ensure that their papers are published.


At least one author of each article must sign the license agreement. The copyright is retained by the author(s) under the Creative Commons Attribution license, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Authors must submit written permissions from publishers of material to be reproduced, if it has already been published elsewhere.
Download the form for the license agreement.


Authors will not be supplied with PDF proofs of the articles. Therefore, it is important to ensure that the article has been adequately checked before the final submission. Be careful, no extra corrections will be made by the publisher after publication. Once a paper has been accepted, changes are only permitted in cases of serious scientific error. In those cases, an erratum or a note can be published. Publishing an erratum after online publication of the proceeding will be charged USD 400, except if the error is on the part of the Publisher.


In order to submit to the conference proceeding that will be published in EPJ WoC you need to create an account at https://saga.edpsciences.org/

Manuscripts must be submitted in camera-ready PDF format. Authors must make sure that the manuscript complies with the format described below.

Manuscript preparation

Language: Articles must be written in English.

Pages: 4 pages maximum.

Layout: A4 paper 2-columns. Authors are requested to use the LaTeX class [download here] or the MS Word template [download here] to format their manuscripts.

We recommend to give the template+paper-pdf a reasonable name, e.g.: PG2021_FirstAuthor.pdf

Authors: Make sure that your list of authors is presented correctly. Pay special attention to the structure of the authors’ names in the list of authors. The given-name (or first name) must be written in italic. For instance,

Jiaying Di1 and Wen Hu1

In the above example, "Di" is the surname (or name) while "Jiaying" is the given-name (or first name); "Hu" is the surname while "Wen" is the given name.

Affiliations: Make sure that you provide full postal address.

References: Make sure that your list of references is presented correctly. References should be cited in the text by placing sequential numbers in brackets (for example, [1], [2, 5, 7], [8-10]). They should be numbered in the order in which they are cited.

Here are some examples:

[1] A. Mecke, I. Lee, J.R. Baker jr., M.M. Banaszak Holl, B.G. Orr, Eur. Phys. J. E 14, 7 (2004)
[2] M. Ben Rabha, M.F. Boujmil, M. Saadoun, B. Bessaïs, Eur. Phys. J. Appl. Phys. (to be published)
[3] F. De Lillo, F. Cecconi, G. Lacorata, A. Vulpiani, EPL 84, 40005 (2008)
[4] L.T. De Luca, Propulsion physics (EDP Sciences, Les Ulis, 2009)
[5] G. Plancque, D. You, E. Blanchard, V. Mertens, C. Lamouroux, Role of chemistry in the phenomena occurring in nuclear power plants circuits, in Proceedings of the International Congress on Advances in Nuclear Power Plants, ICAPP, 2-5 May 2011, Nice, France (2011)

Notes: Point after each given name initials without space between them. No "and" before last author. No title for journal papers. Italic titles for books and conference papers (capitalize only first word and proper names). Abbreviated journal name. Bold volume for journal papers. No period at the end of each reference.

PDF quality:

- Embed all fonts.
- The quality of the digital images should have an original high-resolution, at least 150 dpi.
- If you use Acrobat Distiller or Acrobat PDF virtual printer to create your PDF file, please select one of the high print quality job options proposed by Adobe as Print quality, Press quality, High quality, etc. All options will thus be automatically suitable.
- Do not protect your PDF by security options.
- Give your PDF a suitable name (start by giving the editable document the reasonable name).
- Check your final PDF document carefully to ensure that all fonts and special characters appear in the same style as originally intended. Please confirm the quality of your paper both on screen and on printed version.

Before submitting print-ready PDF files, please check the quality of the final PDF documents at http://pdf-analyser.edpsciences.org/


No corrections will be made by the publisher after acceptance, except in the form of an erratum with an extra cost of USD 400. You need to carefully check your text, including authors’ names, initials, authors’ affiliations, references, which are the most current mistakes.

The Editors will only do a layout check, but will not be responsible for language and content edits.